Not Many People Know What Happens Behind The Scenes Before A Debt Collector Contacts You
But, knowing this, here's how one Texas man got a debt collector to go away in only 59 words.
Getting contacted by a debt collector can be scary--not just because you worry about the consequences that might follow for you, but also because you might feel immediately outmatched. After all, this person contacting you almost certainly knows more about this stuff than you, right? And that puts you at a disadvantage.
That's the predominant reaction, anyway. However...
Here's what many consumers don't know.
Regardless of whatever experiential advantages a debt collectors may actually have over you, many consumers who are contacted by a debt collector still retain one key advantage: you are personally familiar with the details of your case. This is an advantage for you, because it's common for debt collectors to contact a consumer without having first actually vetted the creditor's claim against you, "done their due diligence," etc.
Understand this.
A creditor's claim against you, regardless of whether it is true or false, is a legal claim. As such, it's subject to proof. If the evidence in the case proves that the creditor's claim against you is correct, then you would naturally assume that the debt collector would want to acquaint itself with that evidence--so that the debt collector can point to that strength in his correspondence with you, and leave you little room for doubt.
But here's the weird thing.
Debt collectors rarely take the time to vet the creditor's claim, on evidence, before contacting you. Debt collectors just don't have the time, because their business model tends to only work when high volumes of debts are being actively pursued. Sure, the debt collector contacted you. But you were probably one name on a list of thousands, whom the debt collector contacted with the same button-push.
The point is that...
The debt collector may not actually know anything about your case at all, and probably doesn't know nearly as much as you might have assumed at first.
In such a circumstance, you need to know exactly how to use that advantage in your correspondence with the debt collector--such that, ultimately, the debt collector gives up and you win your case. Here's how one Texas man did that in only 59 words...